Founded in 2020

The purpose of the Association shall be to protect the interests of any person or entity who owns an H&R Block franchise pursuant to a Franchise Agreement with H&R Block Tax Services LLC, to encourage communication and relations with the Franchise Corporation while pursuing initiatives to improve the profitability, operations, financial health and welfare of Franchisees:

  • Represent and advocate for Franchisees’ best interests, which will include using its resources to influence brand strategy from Franchisees’ perspective;
  • Participate in the development of marketing and advertising programs, new products, and new and improved methods of distribution and operations; and
  • Develop and implement new strategies to utilize the combined purchasing power of Franchisees to achieve cost savings.

FCA Board

TJ Menerey, President

A multi-operator with 15 offices, TJ is a second-generation franchisee. He and his mother Cathy were named Franchisee of the Year in 2019. TJ is the immediate past chair of the FLC and a founding member of the FCA.

Kevin Olson, Vice President

 A second generation franchisee, each day Kevin shows his commitment to building quality relationships with staff, clients and community. Kevin has three offices in Oregon, is a Master Tax Advisor, is Small Business Certified, was among the top 100 in 2022, and Elite 25 in 2024. Kevin currently serves on the FLC and has been on the FCA Board since 2022.


Dawn Grode, Secretary

Melissa Gourgues, Treasurer

An Enrolled Agent and former chair of the FLC, Melissa Gourgues owns four H&R Block offices in Louisiana. She has been with H&R Block for 25 years and has a growing small business bookkeeping practice in addition to her tax preparation services.


Jim Stowell, EA, Director

Jim started with H&R Block in 1992 and owns five offices in southeast Wisconsin. Active in the franchisee network, Jim service four years on the FLC and served as FLC Chair for one year. He is past President of the FCA Board.

Rebecca Smith, Director

A second-generation HRB Franchisee, Beckye began her career working with her mom in the 1990s and purchased her own franchise in 2001.  Rebecca operates two year-round offices, is former Chair of the FLC and was among the top 100 H&R Block Franchisees in 2002, 2005 and 2022. 


Melanie Wehmeyer, Director

A second generation franchisee, Melanie Wehmeyer proudly claims having been raised in an H&R Block office since she was a toddler. Her first job was cleaning eraser shavings off of preparers desks! She purchased her first office in 2018, and owns three offices in Texas. She is the current chair of the FLC and has been on the FCA Board since 2022.

Terri S. Turner, Executive Director

Terri joined the FCA in August 2021 as Executive Director. A business growth strategist, leadership consultant and small business advisor, Terri brings decades of marketing and operational experience to support FCA members. She is a Certified Management Consultant and certified in applying the behavioral sciences of DISC, Driving Forces and Workplace Motivators and EQ.